18 awards, 350 people and 1 huge celebration

The Society of Garden Designers held its annual Awards Ceremony in London on January 30th at the Millennium Gloucester Hotel in Kensington. The SGD team and my fellow Council members all played a vital part in making the evening a success, with celebrations continuing into the early hours of Saturday morning …

2014 SGD Awards Dinner. Great Atmosphere!
2014 SGD Awards Dinner. Great Atmosphere!
James with Debbie and Ian of Acres Wild
James with Debbie and Ian of Acres Wild

It was great to catch up with so many industry friends and I was particularly delighted for Debbie and Ian from Acres Wild who not only respectively won the International Award and the Large Garden Award, Ian scooped the Grand Award which goes to the garden the judges think is the best of the best.

Now in their third year, the SGD Awards are designed to recognise and reward outstanding achievement in the garden and landscape design profession. They are the only awards dedicated solely to landscape and garden design in the UK, and are open to members of the SGD only except for the ‘Designing for Community Space’ award which is also open to the general public. Award categories reflect the wide areas of expertise and the businesses of the SGD’s membership.  Awards are dedicated to the 3 stages of career development reflected by the SGD’s membership categories – Student, Pre Registered and Registered Members.

The Judging Panel commented that they were very impressed by the overall quality of the entries and highlighted ‘dynamic planting’ and ‘use of space in an exciting range of locations’ as key features this year.  For a full list of finalists and winners, together with judges’ comments, please visit http://www.sgdawards.com/

The Awards are very inspiring. As I serve on Council for the SGD and have overall responsibility for the Awards I am rightly unable to enter. However, with several projects in our locker that we are very proud of, it is going to become a real dilemma for me over the next few years.

At the Garden Company we pride ourselves on achieving the highest standards in designing beautiful gardens and landscapes for private and commercial clients. If you are in London or the South-East and would like to expand your ideas for your own garden or outdoor space this year, why not call us on 01442 832666 or email me at james@thegardenco.co.uk.

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